Computer Network (CN) is a set of hardware and software that manages data transfer, storage and processing.

A CN includes the following types of equipment:

  • active equipment: switches, routers, media converters;
  • passive equipment: cables, cabinets, cable trays, switchboard, information outlets;
  • computer and peripheral equipment: servers, workstations, printers, scanners.

The network equipment may vary depending on the client’s requirements.

Key CN properties:

Different types of local computer networks of various sizes, topology, work algorithms, architecture and structure have long been used throughout the world. Their key qualities, regardless of the type of the network, are:

  • speed is an essential quality of the network;
  • growth potential allows you to expand the local network and to set up new workstations where they are needed;
  • reliability allows the local network to remain completely or partially operational regardless of the failure of certain nodes or equipment. 


VoiceLink offers a range of computer network design, installation and maintenance services.