“SINTEZ” Traffic Signal Controller is a set hardware and software tools capable of controlling traffic lights and dynamic message boards and signs at a single intersection or multiple intersections within an Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) both in automated mode or manually.

Its main goals are:

  • controlling a set of traffic lights or an intersection;
  • performing adaptive traffic control using vehicle detector data;
  • controlling traffic within an area that consists of a number of intersections in adaptive traffic control mode;
  • operating within a traffic coordination group controlled by central software;
  • working as the road network traffic controller, aggregating peripherals in a designated area.

Its key properties are:

  • open UTMC protocol support;
  • UG405 protocol support;
  • up to 130 signal groups;
  • up to 256 vehicle detectors;
  • ETHERNET vehicle detector support;
  • touch screen;
  • IP65 rating;
  • multilingual GUI.
Traffic Management System (TMS)